10 Tips I Wish I Knew When I started.
Hello there! Here are some tips I wish I knew when I was a beginner. These are great tips to make sure you are on the right track.
Have a plan- Having a plan is crucial in order to reach your goals. With a proper plan, you are able to have the blueprint towards your goals.
Tracking your progress- After picking your game plan, track all the progress you are making! Write down the time of your run, or the weight/rep/sets you are doing. The goal is to get better with repetition, and tracking your workouts will allow you to see your progress.
Progress overload- The goal of your workouts should be based on improvement! Progressive overload should be implemented if you want to gain muscle mass. The amount of volume you are lifting should be increased over time.
Consistency- Consistency is the best thing you can do if you really want to achieve your health and fitness goals. To get where you want to be, you have to stick with your planning over a long period of time.
Function- Function should be the first goal! Making sure your body is flexible, full range of motion and balance should be mastered!
Core- Working on your core is important for various reasons. For example, it will help your balance and stability. It is also the center of gravity of your body. A strong core can improve posture plus reduce lower back pain.
Carbs are your friend- Your body needs carbohydrates and provide the body with glucose, which is converted to energy to support bodily functions and physical activity.
Food is energy- Food is energy released from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and other organic compounds.
Macronutrients- Your body needs all of the macronutrients. Make sure you are eating your carbs, fats and proteins.
Warm up- It is so important to warm up before you exercise! Before your exercise, do mobility work and dynamic stretches to get ready for your workout! This will help your full range of motion and help reduce chance of injury.