Tips To Start Being Consistent

When starting your fitness journey, the most important thing to do is stay consistent. This is the best advice anyone can give, however it is the most difficult to execute.

I have a friend that has been struggling with consistency for years, and has finally found a way to stay consistently exercise in the morning. I asked her what she did to finally achieve this, and this is what I am sharing with you today.

  1. Planning ahead- In order to make sure she was going to accomplish her workout in the morning, she put her workout clothes in the bathroom before she went to bed. Planning ahead and getting your workout attire ready the day is going to set you up for success.

  2. Distancing her phone- Putting her phone across the room instead of next to her night stand helped her get up in the morning. This was successful because in order for her to turn off her alarm, she had to get up and move across the room. It was easier for her to wake up since she was already out of her bed.

  3. Caffeine- Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning can give you the extra energy you need! Before her run, drinking a cup of joe helped her become alert and mentally ready for her workout, instead of going on a run half asleep.

  4. Baby steps- When starting off, her goal was not a distance of speed, but just getting out the door. Once she was able to get out the door, her goal adjusted. The next goal was to 2 slow mile runs. The next week was to slowly run 2.25 miles and so on. Each week she would slowly increase her goals and this helped with long term consistency. Not to mention, every 3 weeks she would drop back a little, and this gave her a little rest and more motivation to get faster the next week.

  5. Consistency Calendar- Set a goal of how many times you want to exercise a week. For example, if you want to exercise 3 times a week, every time you exercise you mark a big X on a calendar. Get those 3 X’s on the calendar before the week ends, and you are on the right road!


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